

When Russia invaded the Ukraine the response by the civilised world was swift and dramatic, sanctions were immediately put in place against Russia and support offered to the Ukraine. Israel's invasions of Palestine and its' land grabs of the West Bank are no less hostile and offensive than that of Russia, but the so called civilised world's response to Israel's transgressions have been to let them get away with it without comment. Had sanctions been put in place against Israel and support offered to Palestine as a result of and in the face of blatant aggression and breaches of international law committed by Israel then the resulting resentment erupting in violance last week may never have happened. Israel and Russia's aggression are identical in kind if not in degree. The offences against the Ukraine and the offences against Palestine are synomynous. Yet the outrage against one is loud but the other is given help and support in spite of the attrocities that it continues to commit.

The problem is, that the enforcement of international law is left in the hands of countries that have agendas of their own, Their response has been to send military support to Israel when it should have been sending military aid and support to the Palestinians on the West Bank fighting for their lives and homes against Israel's invasive aggression. The only way to enforce international law is with an impartial international army

The system of defence outlined in this website would allow the creation and existence of unlimited smaller countries, pursuing whatever ideologies they choose, under the protective umbrella of an impartial universal armed agency.

We believe that within this website lies the only solution to the creation of World Peace

So far, nobody has shown us to the contrary

Send your comments to : Comments@worldpeace.org.uk    

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Welcome to Worldpeace.org.uk


Sign 'Sanctions Against Israel' petition


Site Index:

The World's Problems Introduction Your say
Facts and Figures 1)  First things First What can we do to help?
World Peace does not equal World Government 2)  Plan for Peace Program for Peace

3)  The Status Quo
Jihad and Armageddon 4)  The Crucial Point
  5)  The Set up  
  6)  Making it Happen  
  7)  Cases in Hand  

Related Links:

Sword of Peace A Better Way Is Blue the Colour of Peace in Palestine? ENIA (Every Nation International Alliance)
U.N.Contacts List of M.E.P's Contacts for Africa


 The World's Problems

No-one can solve all the world's problems. To try would be to dissipate one's energies and achieve nothing. The best thing we can do is to focus all our efforts and attention on just one problem and hope our endeavours will make a difference to it. That immediately creates the dilemma of which particular problem to solve. It may be a matter of personal preference, or it may be a matter of perceived priority. Given that the best way to solve a large number of problems is to solve one at a time, which one of the following major international problems would you choose to resolve first?  


        Global warming              Natural disasters
        International terrorism            Deforestation
        Endangered species           Pollution
        Poverty           Child exploitation
        Contaminated drinking water           Illegal drug production
        Oppression of women           Famine
        Overpopulation           Energy crisis
        Economic Crisis           World health problems


It's not an easy choice to make is it? The difficult thing about it is that by selecting one option the others are left neglected and unresolved. The one thing that all these problems have in common is that the more money, resources and manpower you allocate to them the greater improvement you are likely to effect as a result.

Now let us consider another world problem: international conflict and the escalation of arms. This problem is converse to the others in that the more money, resources and manpower you allocate to it the WORSE it gets:- one side engages ten thousand men in battle so the other side engages fifteen; one side spends two million on weapons of mass destruction so the other side spends three. The more armies and weapons there are the more dangerous the world is, and it all has the potential of going up in smoke and achieving nothing except destruction!

If the problem of potential conflict could be resolved to the extent that all this spending on arms and manpower was no longer necessary, then not only would some of the other problems be prevented from happening in the first place, but also all the money, manpower and other resources allocated to (so called) defence would then be freed up and made potentially available to any number of the other world problems we have been talking about.

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Therefore our submission is that given any person can only really devote their attention to solving one major problem in the world, then the preferential choice for that problem should be to attend to the matter of international conflict and world peace, because of the beneficial effect on all the other world problems. That certainly is our choice, and we hope that a sufficient number of people reading this will agree with us:


               I agree that world peace should be the issue of priority to deal with (proceed).

               I prefer to devote my attention to solving one of the other important issues (exit).


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